Have you ever noticed that life is a series of starting and stopping things? Sometimes it's on purpose and sometimes not something we planned. I like to think of these beginnings and endings as different seasons - the seasons of life - where nothing stays the same, because for better or worse, change is constant. Growing up with a dad in the air force, we moved every 2-3 years allowing for lots of new adventures and reinventions of myself. Once Lu and I were married, we also moved a lot, adding many new seasons to my life. Living all over the country and abroad was enlightening to say the least. This led to several career changes from working as an art director in advertising, to a professional artist, to an art teacher and back! Add in 3 amazing boys and going back to school - I was all over the place! Making the decision to retire in the spring from teaching high school art was the end of a beautiful season - one full of life lessons, many rewards, and even some heartache. Being a teacher will always be such a blessing. As I move forward taking a leap of faith into this next adventure, I realize a few things. The seasons of your life become the foundation stones for your soul’s wellbeing. Both the stressful times and the peaceful ones can lead to growth. The timing is perfect - God’s always is. I am answering the call to step out…out of my comfort zone with an open mindset - it is the only place to really grow.
So where do I start?? There are so many options and I have a great desire to do it all!! - (I might have struggled with this my entire life). Making a decision…moving forward with confidence. Well, it is a cliche I know - but the answer really is - taking one step at a time. I am learning that where you start doesn’t really matter, you just have to start! I could get lost in my head for days, dreaming and visualizing all kinds of ideas and plans. However, if they always stay in my head, then I am really never experiencing them to their full potential. Going in the wrong direction doesn’t even matter, as long as you are willing to turn around and regroup! IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT!! So…here we go. I am trusting and checking in with God, for His plan, and moving forward taking one step at a time - knowing I may have to tweak my plans along the way, but that is just part of the journey!
Adventures in Art is now up and running. I am thrilled to be painting a lot - selling my art at shows and on my website, doing some amazing online/in person classes and workshops, and eventually repping a few other incredible artists as well!! Don't forget to subscribe to the email list below for a notification as soon as our 2022 class calendar goes live!
